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Willow Acres Dog Training
"Gentle Methods Produce Positive Results"
No force! No fear! No pain! No shock! No choke!

Terri Wilson, CNWI
NACSW certified nosework instructor,
AKC CGC/Tricks/STAR Puppy tester,
K9 manners, STAR puppy, CGC, rally,
tricks, freestyle (doggie dancing), agility for fun
ABC Mentor, 4H Obedience/Rally judge, AKC/AHBA herding judge
Aspen Park Village, 25797 Conifer Rd STE A112, Conifer, CO 80433
*WADT follows all American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior training recommendations*


6 week class for dogs 6 months and older, limit 6 dogs
This class is designed to refine the basics of sit/down/stay/come/walking on leash and introduce distractions, socialization and public manners when greeting people, dogs, walking through crowds.
Includes AKC CGC test.

6 week class for dogs 6 months and older limit 6 dogs
Classes will be in both the training center and public places.
Manners, sit & down stays, loose leash walking in a public environment,
leave it, ignoring distractions of people and dogs, greeting strangers,
sit stay in a group of people & dogs.
Includes AKC CGCA test.

6 week class for dogs 6 months and older, limit 6 dogs
Most classes will be taught in public places.
Walking through public areas, doorways, stairways or elevators,
meeting strangers, stays, ignoring distractions & food, crossing streets,
entering & exiting vehicle, 3 minute down stay.
Includes AKC CGCU test.